To confirm, all paid apps that you purchase via AppWorld will forever show in MyWorld. The state that they show (e.g., installed, uninstalled, etc.) is dictated by the state they are in. If that state is "uninstalled" and the app does not show on the Options Application list, then the app is not installed and is consuming nothing.
Basically, the AppWorld servers retain the record of your purchase so that, should you wish to have the app sometime in the future, you can re-obtain it without having to pay again. If they did not retain record and you wished it in the future, you'd have to pay again...resulting in a different set of "challenges".
Now, if that's a free app, then you can remove it from the MyWorld list by clearing the AppWorld application cache:
1. Open App World
2. Go to My World
3a. For keyboard-based BB's -- Hold down the ALT key and then press, in sequence R, then S, then T
3b. For Storm/Pearl -- Hold the num-lock (!?123) button so it locks and then press, in sequence 3, then 4, then (
4a. If your BB locks after issuing the cache clear, perform a battery pull reboot
When you next go into MyWorld, no apps will show at all. When you log into MyWorld using your PayPal credentials, your paid apps will re-synchronize from the AppWorld servers in the state that they presently are in (e.g., installed, uninstalled, etc.).
Hope that helps!